Promotion Code Terms & Conditions
WINTER SALE - 20% OFF (excludes Outlet items)
Get 20% OFF all full price items in our Winter Sale - Starts Boxing Day!
Starts 26.12.2024 for a limited time only!
These terms and conditions are in addition to our Standard B2C T&Cs
- Discount code RTWIN2420 is valid from 26.12.2024 to midnight 31.01.2025
- Discount code cannot be applied to existing orders
- Discount code cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount codes / coupons / offers
- Outlet items are NOT included in this offer
- Samples are NOT included in this offer
- Discount code is not applicable to any delivery / service charges
- Discount code is applicable to general public orders - Discount code is not valid for registered Trade clients / orders